Make payments and manage your account online
From the 3rd February 2025, Advantis are responsible for the collection and enforcement of Criminal Legal Aid Contributions.
We will contact you to confirm that we have received instructions from the Legal Aid Agency and tell you how you can make payment. It is important that if you receive any notification about payment, or a request for evidence or information from us, that this is dealt with as urgently as possible. Failure to contact us could result in additional fees being incurred.
Legal Aid Agency FAQ
From the 3rd February 2025, Advantis are responsible for the collection and enforcement of Criminal Legal Aid Contributions. We will contact you to confirm that we have received instructions from the Legal Aid Agency and tell you how you can make payment. It is important that if you receive any notification about payment, or a request for evidence or information from us, that this is dealt with as urgently as possible. Failure to contact us could result in additional fees being incurred.
You can contact us by phone on 0333 320 2150 (calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes). Our opening hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.
You can also access our customer self service portal at: which will allow you to check the status of your contribution account, make payments and leave a comment for us to review.
Alternatively you can email us at or write to us at LAA Team, Advantis Credit Ltd, Minton Hollins Building, Shelton Old Road, Stoke, ST4 7RY
Debit or Credit Card
You can make a payment on our website or over the phone by debit or credit card. Please make sure you have your case reference number to hand. To pay online at you will also need your Advantis reference number which can be found on your letter.
Open Banking
You can also make a payment via your banking app online on our website by selecting ‘make a payment’
Bank Transfer
We accept payments via bank transfer. Our bank details for payment are:
Account name: CMA ADVANTIS - LAA
Sort code: 54-10-17
Account number: 10971122
Direct Debit
You can set up a Direct Debit through our customer self service portal or by telephone 0333 006 8344 (calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes). Our opening hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.
Pay Point
We accept payments via PayPoint. Please contact us for more information.
If you have received a letter from Advantis ‘your reference’ can be found in a green box at the top right hand corner of your letter. If your case has been recently transferred from Marston then your Advantis reference will be same as the reference number that was provided to you by Marston.
Your client reference is the MAAT reference number that is provided to you by the Legal Aid Agency. On both Advantis and Marston letters this is the number which is described as the ‘client reference number’.
For information on how the Legal Aid Agency use and store your personal data you can access their privacy policy here
Advantis will calculate whether a Capital Contribution Order (CCO) is due at the end of the case based on the costs of your case, any contributions already paid and any equity and capital assets you own. You can contact us directly if you are concerned that your Capital Contribution Order is incorrect. You should ensure that you are able to provide details as to why you believe the order is incorrect and provide appropriate evidence to support this.
You can get free and independent debt advice from these organisations:
Money Advice Service
The Money Advice Service offers free and impartial money advice to help you manage your money better.
Visit their website here or phone 0300 500 5000
StepChange Debt Charity
StepChange Debt Charity provides free advice to individuals who need assistance in managing their debt. Once referred, our customers receive priority
Visit their website here or phone 0800 138 1111
National Debtline
National Debtline provides free, confidential and independent advice to help you manage your money better.
Visit their website here or phone 0808 808 4000
Visit their website here and type ‘debt advice’ in the search bar.
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice offers, free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.
Visit their website here or phone 0345 404 0506 / 0344 411 1444 for England or 0344 477 2020 for Wales.
AdviceUK is the UK's largest support network for free, independent advice centres.
Visit their website here or phone 0300 777 0107 or 0300 777 0108
Christians Against Poverty
Christians Against Poverty exist because they believe nobody should be held hostage by debt and poverty. Their friendly team will give you a listening ear in the privacy or your own home and provide a real solution to your debts.
Since they started helping people out of debt in 1996, they've helped thousands in similar situations through their professional service offered by 293 CAP Debt Centres.
Visit their website here or phone 0800 328 0006
Please note: Call charges may apply. Other free advice is available.
The rules about enforcement works are set out by law.
The Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 and The Taking Control of Goods Regulations set out how enforcement agents must behave, and the powers they have.
The court system oversees how these rules are applied.
Our enforcement agents follow strict standards set by industry associations, such as the Enforcement Conduct Board and Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA). The CIVEA Code of Conduct and Good Practice Guide can be found here.
There are also ombudsmen, like the Local Government Ombudsman, who can look at certain types of enforcement cases. More information can be found on their website by clicking here.
The letter has been sent to your address on the instruction of our client.
In order for us to update the record and remove your address, you will need to provide us with your proof of residency at the address. This can be either a recent mortgage or council tax statement, tenancy agreement or a utility bill dated within the last 3 months.
Once received we will:
- notify our client to enable them to update their records
- remove your address meaning that you will receive no further letters from us
Please be aware that if the documentation supplied is not clear we may need to contact you again to confirm the information.
You can send us an email with the information we need to Please attach photographs or scanned images of your supporting evidence.
Until we receive this information we will be unable to update the record, so please provide the information as soon as possible to avoid further inconvenience.
We hope that you would never have a reason to complain, but if something has gone wrong, we will make it a priority to put it right. You can contact us through our email at, call us on 0333 320 2150 or if you would prefer, in writing at: Complaints Team, Advantis Credit Limited, Minton Hollins Building, Shelton Old Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7RY.
Please make sure you have included your Advantis reference number on any email or letter you may send us.